Saturday, January 24, 2009
Touch is the most basic way of connecting. Taking your partner's hand when she is nervous can instantly defuse anxiety and anger.
Sex is boring if it's cut off from emotional connection. But if you're emotionally involved, sex is play and passion with a hundred dimensions.Excitement comes from the risk involved in staying open in the here-and-now experience of physical and emotional connection.She said to me that she'd rather be outside the ozone. Hands were placed on her face then she starts to shake. Her house is no home at all. She just can't take it so she's got to get away. She's going to flick the switch of the time bomb. The eyes like a microscope, looks way too close for imperfections. And under that gun she's had enough cause she just can't impress them.Love demands the reassurance of a touch. Most fights are really protests over emotional disconnection. Underneath the distress, partners are desperate to know: Are you there for me? - Sue Johnson -Instant indulgences do calm us down for a few moments but they leave us poorer physically and mentally. Therefore, money does buy happiness but only up to the point where it enables you to live life comfortably. Beyond that, more cash doesn't boost your well-being. Being generous brings true joy, so striking it rich could in fact underwrite your happiness-if you were to give your wealth away.
Pain is also a part of happiness. Happiness is NOT your reward for escaping pain. It demands that you confront negative feelings head-on, without letting them overwhelm you. It's a struggle against reality. Real life is full of dissappointments, loss and inconveniences. If you're going to live a rich and meaningful life, you're going to feel a full range of emotions.The point isn't to limit that palette of feelings. After all, negative status cue us into what we value and what we need to change: Grief for a loved one proves how much we cherish the relationship we had with them. Frustration with several jobs in a row is a sign we're in the wrong career. Happiness would mean nothing if not for sadness: Without the contrast of darkness, there is no light.We're constantly making decisions, ranging from what to eat for dinner to whom we should marry etc.etc.. We base many of our decisions on whether we think a particular preference will increase our well-being. Intutively, we seem convinced that the more choices we have, the better off we'll ultimately be. But our world of unlimited opportunity imprisons us more than it makes us happy. Facing many possibilities leaves us stressed out - and less satisfied with whatever we do decide. Having too many choices keeps us wondering about all the opportunities missed. The paradox of choice makes us miserable. Human beings are remarkably adaptable. After a period of adjustment, we tend to bounce back to our previous leverl of happiness, no matter what happens to us. Lazy elaborate, Lazy blog.. Need to work, Need to sleep.. Want off-days, want to shop.. CHINESE NEW YEAR in don't know how many days time. I don't wish to see people from my dad's side but I have to pay my respect. After all, they're my elders. I want to EAT EAT EAT all the CNY goodies! =)
[Don't Know, Don't Care]
Growing old is mandatory;Growing up is optional
1:35 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009

They're scared of her make-up, tattoos and piercings. They said it's too bad she won't amount to anything. Judged by the way she looks but the cover's not quite like the book. She's just so misunderstood.
She believes that it's so obvious that there's nothing wrong with us at all. It's our life and we're not about to go and make the same mistakes you might have made. So, just stop blaming us because it's not wrong to be young.
A monkey in silk is a monkey no less. If this is what people think then why can't it be 'a good fellow covered with tattoos is a good fellow no less'.
CNY is around the corner. Time to go round extorting protection fees.
[Don't Know, Don't Care]
Growing old is mandatory;Growing up is optional
10:40 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I won't want you to settle down for second best cause you deserve nothing but the best. Come to think of it, I'm not even 2nd best. haha!
Got to work later. So Sian... I'm looking forward to my next day-off. Or pay-day would be good. I can get a drum-kit or DSLR or do my tattoos! YI-PEE!
[Don't Know, Don't Care]
Growing old is mandatory;Growing up is optional
11:58 AM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
No wonder it didn't look right, mate, you got the whole frame in arse about face. I've told you so but you said... No~~~~~~~~~~ Ha! Like whatever! Straight in your face, LOSER! LOL
[Don't Know, Don't Care]
Growing old is mandatory;Growing up is optional
1:10 PM