It Lun's birthday today. Finally,the video is presented. I was Fucking excited to show her the video. She said that she was really touched when she saw the video and nearly cried but didn't because,the video was really funny. She loved the present she received from us. It was something that she really wanted.
During Physics, Ting & I lied that we had to go to the washroom just to get to bugis. We went there to buy a rose for Lun. As for Asmine.... That poor girl was left alone with Lun. Haha! We came back only an hour later.
Lessons ended and it was time to head home. While Ting and I were walking to ur Bus Stop, Lun SMSed us. This was what she sent...
Hey.. Thanks for the presents and Thanks for the effort for doing the video.. I really very touched.. But I rather Su Ting & Teressa study..
There's one thing seriously wrong with Lun's SMS. For fuck sake. She can't spell my name.No wonder her SMSes are always Ah Leong and not Theresa. Haha.. Guess that it's time to hit the books and stop lazing around like that sloth, Ah Ting.
Ver, Lun, Ting & I started off as the 4 Muskerteers and now it's 5 because there's a new member by the name of Asmine Koh. The-Re believes that the 5 Muskerteers needs no introduction.
The big group picture is a picture of nearly all the girls in my class but we're just short of Ver & Jeanna. Honestly, I don't care if Jeanna is in the picture or not but I do care if Ver is in it or not. Haha! Bor Bian. Ver's one of the Muskerteer leh..
The Ah Lian Muskerteer - Verne
Do GET WELL SOON ar Ver! Don't let the heat get up to your Brain because you're already a DimWit.Verne!! See this? We can still have Fun without you. LOL! Anyway, You were being Missed.
Mag & Shella are two horrendously tall stuff. I don't know if I should consider them as Humans. I simply love standing next to them which I don't know why.
Yue Hwa and Cui Fen are the other not so tall people. So, they're a Drawf like me. Hwa is extremely adorable. I think that she has really good blood circulation. Most of the time, her face gets really red for no apparent reason. So cute right??!!
As for Cui Fen right.... *AHEM!!*
She's shorter then me yet she likes to behave like she's a whole lot taller then I am. Then, when we start to debate, Mag would just walk over and pat us on our heads. Then, she'll say 两个矮的,不要吵了.
I'm going off to bed! Goodnight. Proud to be a member of 2oA22. Everyone around me seems to have gotten back on track. Sloths! It's Time!! Quick, Get on board!!